GreenLight Alliance

Life Cycle Assessment Incubator

In March 2022, lighting manufacturers and designers from across the globe made a collective commitment to investigate the current life cycle impact of commonly-used fixtures and lighting strategies.

The Lighting Industry Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Incubator is a platform for the industry to work together, across expertise and territories, in a collaborative approach to address the impact of our designs on people and the planet. The goal is to take a collective step towards transparency, constructive dialogue and a consistent approach to measuring, reporting and applying LCA information for lighting design decision-making.

The Incubator is a collaboration between the GreenLight Alliance - a global community of lighting professionals, businesses and institutions progressing circular design practice in lighting - and the International Lighting Designers Association Lighting Industry Resource Council - which exist to provide a framework for enhanced communication between professional lighting designers and manufacturers and to create an environment conducive to the collaborative improvement of products, services, business practices and lighting design education.

“This is an opportunity for productive dialogue among a new generation of design and product professionals.” Leela Shanker, Founder of the LCA Incubator